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7:23 p.m. - 10th January 06
Phew...another day done at the office
I'm starving, no lunch gym tonight either as it's taking an age to cook my dinner and I could I'm sure, eat my arm. I din't sleep well last night for some mad bizarre lala reason and feel absolutely knackered tonight...that bleeding job of mine. Still better to have had a job, than never to have ever worked!!!

IS phoned me from skiing last night, which was dead, dead sweet of her...she was nosing about the afternoon away and the outcome of it...plans for the future, but was also sweet too.

Omnipotent one is back, saw him briefly this afternoon at the same meeting as me, he wanted to talk, flirty, eyes as big as saucers, too busy to care....too dangerous to play with him. Although I still miss the closeness we used to share and the fun, laughter and being cared for/about. But the highs are too good and the lows too frequent.

E is still in lust with him, despite being pregnant.

E is still awaiting the grandaughter to be born.....her daughter is to be induced this Friday if she hasn't had it by then. That'll be two weeks and two days over her expected/due date, poor cow.

D is stressing about the impending visit this Thursday and Friday, it's like it just hit her today that this visit is happening and is like a whirling dirvish bancee on speed, but I still love her.

C is another story....P was telling me that flirty man has been advised that C shouldn't be at a lot of the meetings....but he's insistent....Oh well.

Am I jealous of C? Well, now there lays a tale. The definitive answer is no. I am though, envious of the attention ...on the other hand, I was having almost panic attacks when that amount of attention was being pushed my way. He is wrong, bad, naughty, manipulative, charming, funny, BUT he is a mysoginist too.

So I want that type of attention...but from somebody envious of the flattery


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