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9:53 a.m. - 1st November 03
Ice cream vans and pelican crossings
Another strange thing....A and I discovered when we trying to understand how we think so differently.

I said, how would you describe someone crossing the road? She went onto describe a man, with a big nose and a parka that had fur round the collar and was blue....the parka was pulled up, so he was having difficulty seeing the traffic, he apparantly in A's world had a big red nose...and so she went on and on and on for, at least 10 minutes about this person, who then eventually crossed the road....I could then have some concept of her thought processes compared with mine.

My version was so different,...step off the kerb, put one foot in front of the other, until you reach the other side, gender, no clothes, just simply describe the behaviour.

We fell about laughing, A is all fluffy and interesting, great laugh good company, whilst on the other hand there is me, just describe what you see, no interpretations, not an ounce of fluffyness anywhere.

I percieved you sweet young boy, to be like me, so strictly behavioural in your approach to things...I was so surprised when you arrived and we were laughing about this...we asked you to describe someone crossing the road....I was shocked and amazed.

You went on about one legged or two legged people, forward or backwards? Ice cream vans and pelican crossings, I was baffled by your fluffiness, you don't project that image externally, so was quite amazed that you voiced it. We caught you in an unguarded moment didn't go red now when we talk about ice-cream vans and pelican crossings don't you???

So A & I learned a lot about each other then, sometimes I need her interpretting things for me, sometimes it is not a case of what you see, being what you get...given my interest in non-verbal communication, you think I would know that, but for A, she can't always take things at face value and winds herself up into a terrible pickle, interpretting and misinterpretting....strange breed aren't we us humans!!!


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